  • 19 Jan 2022

    Congratulations! You made the switch to clean, renewable energy generated right on your roof. Depending on when you had your solar energy system installed, you’ve also been building up credits with the power company every time you send any excess power back to the ...

  • 10 Nov 2021

    With thousands of Iowa homeowners going solar, it's obvious that home solar is here to stay. But how can solar work in Iowa during the winter? The answer is net metering, a process that helps homeowners who go solar save money year-round – Even when there's snow on...

  • 15 Jun 2021

    If you’re a homeowner considering solar, you might be worried that it’ll be too expensive. Solar panels are a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and use a clean renewable source of energy. But until recently were often financially out of reach for many ...

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