  • 01 Dec 2021

    Did you know that your day-to-day lifestyle choices have an impact on the climate? Possibly a more significant impact than you think. The residue that your daily habits leave behind is known as your carbon footprint. In just 2017 alone, Montana residents emitted o...

  • 29 Nov 2021

    Considering investing in a solar energy system? One of your main questions is probably about how solar energy systems use light or heat generate power. The simple answer is the sun. But do panels use light or heat to turn that energy into electricity? It’s a...

  • 29 Nov 2021

    Wondering what makes energy renewable or not? Renewable energy is energy that comes from a source that isn't finite. For example, the sun, wind, rain/water, heat, and waves are all renewable energy sources – with a little help from some cool technologies. In the...

  • 29 Nov 2021

    Updated 04/02/2024: We've updated this guide with more information about how solar energy powers homes and how renewable energy is reshaping the United States. Did you know 350 gigawatts of solar energy were installed globally in 2023? As more homeowners become aw...

  • 17 Feb 2021
    Ground mounted solar panels are arranged in neat rows under a blue sky.

    Updated 2/13/24: The home solar industry has evolved in the last few years, and new questions about rooftop solar have emerged. We've updated this guide with new questions, expanded answers, and links to our Solar Wiki to give you a richer view of home solar panels...

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