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Why should I install solar panels on my home?

As the US moves away from coal and other non-renewable energy sources, utility companies are sticking homeowners with the bill for expensive updates to the grid. If your roof qualifies for solar, it’s absolutely worth installing solar panels to wipe out your electric bill and save. Homeowners have seen savings the day they turn their solar panels on.

Does solar power really save on utility bills?

With utility rates increasing 4.7% on average each year, going solar is a smart choice to avoid losing money to utility rate hikes. When you’re generating power from the sun right on your roof and using local net metering policies, you can spin your electric meter backwards and have the power company paying you.

Can I use solar panels to completely power my home?

Purelight creates a custom solar system design for each home depending on energy needs, square footage, and roof direction that is engineered specifically for total home power. For a specific system for your home, check out our free solar design – we can ensure we maximize production for your home year-round.

How much will it cost to install solar panel?

Each system size is different depending on the factors of the home. The total investment in your system can’t be determined until your roof is analyzed by our Consultants, and a professional design is created. With state and federal incentive programs and Purelight’s zero-down offer, homeowners are able to cut the cost of solar installation and go solar with nothing out of pocket.

Do solar panels work in the rain?

Yes, solar panels can use both direct and indirect sunlight to generate power. During cloudy days, solar panels will continue to capture sunlight, even though they’re most efficient in direct sunlight.

What about damage from hail or a duration wind?

It’s understandable that homeowners would want to know what happens if their panels are damaged during a powerful storm. Purelight Power’s solar systems are rated for wind speeds up to 130 mph and hail falling at up to 50 mph. With our warranties and your homeowner’s insurance, any damage should be covered. Plus, studies have found that solar panel systems actually protect roofs from everyday wear and weathering.

Do solar panels damage your roof?

Properly installed and maintained solar panels will not damage your roof, and can even help defend it from mother nature. Solar panels block the sun's rays and absorb their energy, providing something of a protective shield against surface damage that would otherwise harm your roof. Better yet, solar panels will help keep your home cooler at night according to research by the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering. Using thermal imaging techniques, a team of researchers determined that a building's ceiling was 5 degrees cooler under solar panels than an exposed roof. At night, the panels act as another layer of insulation, helping to keep heat in. Solar is already the cheapest form of electricity, so the increased temperature control is icing on the cake.

Do solar panels cause roof leaks?

Solar panels themselves won't cause roof leaks. However, if they aren't installed properly they could otentially lead to roof leaks. Professional installers will take measures to protect your roof during installation, like using flashing and sealants to prevent water intrusion. It's also crucial to maintain the panels and roof properly to prevent future issues. Consult with a solar energy contractor to determine if your roof is a good fit for a solar panel array. They'll help you determine whether your roof needs an update and walk you through the solar installation process.

How many solar panels can I fit on my roof?

Solar panels are typically 3'x5', or 15 square feet total. To determine the number of solar panels your roof can theoretically fit, you should divide the usable square footage of your roof by 15. However, we advice against trying to determine this number by yourself, as accurate measurements are best left to certified solar installers. If you want to know how many solar panels you can fit on your roof, contact a licensed installer for a quote. Not only will they tell you how many panels you can fit, but they can give you an estimate of sun exposure and costs. That information gives you a better idea of how much you can save by going solar.

How do you mount solar panels on a roof?

Solar panels are attached to roofs via specialized mounting brackets designed to support and distribute the weight of a solar panel evenly and securely across a roof. Solar panel installations are complex, and should only be handled by certified professional installers with adequate experience.

Are there rebates for solar panels?

There are several significant rebates for solar panels that can help homeowners save money on a system install. The most prominent is the federal tax credit, which allows homeowners to deduct 30% of the cost of a home solar system from their yearly taxable income. Keep in mind that sum isn't a check — if you don't pay taxes, you won't benefit from the tax credit. Beyond the federal solar incentive, there are state and local incentives that can further reduce the costs of a solar system installation. When you're looking into the solar panel cost for your home, check with your installation company for more details about local incentives that you may be eligible for. They'll be able to offer you some guidance about which rebate programs to apply for, helping you lower the total cost.

Who is eligible for the solar stimulus program?

All homeowners who install solar systems in 2023 are eligible for the solar stimulus program known as the Federal Tax Credit for Solar Photovoltaics, or more commonly called the solar federal tax credit. To receive the credit, homeowners need to fill out Form 5695. Homeowners casn then choose to receive the tax credit as a lumpsum or spread out over several years. However, note that the stimulus comes in the form of a tax credit, not a check. Anyone who doesn't pay taxes will be ineligible to receive the credit, so that can limit the usefulness in some cases, such as fixed income retirement. Even if that's the case for you, there are other incentive programs that you may be eligible for, such as state and local incentives. Check with a solar energy installer to see what you may qualify for.

Is there a government incentive for solar panels?

There are both state and federal government incentives for solar panels, the most notable being the Federal Tax Credit for Solar Photovoltaics, which covers 30% of a solar system's cost via tax credits. The tax credit has been instrumental in the widespread adoption of solar across the United States. There are hundreds more government incentives for solar panels available at the state level, so you'll want to check to see what's available where you live. The Database of State Incentives for Renewable Efficiency offers a comprehensive list for each state.

Are there any government subsidies for solar panels?

While the government offers many tax incentives for solar panel installations in the United States, bona fide subsidies are less common. However, they certainly do exist — they're just primarily at the state level. For example, Oregon has the Energy Trust of Oregon, which will provide solar system owners in certain income brackets with solar panel subsidies of up to $6,000. To see which government solar panel subsidies you may be eligible for, the DSIRE website has a complete list of incentives, subsidies, and regulations that you can take advantage of. By combining these programs, you can lower the cost of a solar installation considerably.

How long do solar panels last?

Solar panels have a lifespan of about 25 years on average, which gives them plenty of time to generate a profit over the initial investment. In fact, the typical "break even" point of solar panels is about 10 years — less than half of their usual lifespan. On top of the already long lifespan of solar panels, solar energy contractors will usually offer warranties and workmanship guarantees that cover your panels in the event of a malfunction or issue related to an inadequate install. The lengths of these agreements vary, so you should look for a local solar installer with superb customer reviews and long warranty periods.

Do solar panels work in the snow?

While we associate solar panels with bright, sunny days, solar panels can still work in the snow. A light dusting won't hamper a solar array's ability to produce electricity, and can even clean the panels once it melts, which makes the panels more efficient. A heavy snowfall can hamper energy production if the panels are complete covered, though many modern panels are designed to help snowfall slide off of the panels. So long as part of the panel is able to catch sunlight, the panels will continue to produce electricity.

Can hail damage solar panels?

While it's possible for hail to damage solar panels, it's highly unlikely that it wil have an impact on your system. Solar panels are built to withstand harsh weather conditions, including hail, snow, and high temperatures. If harsh weather manages to damage your solar panels, the industry standard for warranty coverage — which virtually all manufacturers offer — covers damage for 25 years. When you get solar panel quotes, ask for the specific warranty information for the brand of solar panels that you're having installed, and if the installer offers any warranty on their end. While the latter isn't common, it can reduce a lot of the hassle in the event that your solar panels are somehow damaged.

Do solar panels work during a power outage

Solar panels will not work during a power outage unless they're paired with solar battery storage. Solar panels are typically still tied to the power grid, so while they're capable of generating electricity during outages, they have to be disabled during shutoffs to avoid electrical hazards. Essentially, solar panels send excess energy back to the grid, which could lead to fires at times where the grid is incapable of distributing that power. If you have a solar storage battery, the excess energy can be sent to it rather than to the electric grid. When the power goes out, you'll draw your electricity from your solar battery.

What are the best times to use electricity?

The best times to use electricity are early in the morning and early afterrnoon, when demand is at its lowest. Utility companies charge different rates during peak and off-peak hours, so you'll definitely notice a price difference depending on when you use energy. Installing solar panels can help you circumvent the high costs of peak hour electricty usage. Soalr panel systems generate electricity throughout the day, but odds are that you wont' use all of it. The excess energy solar panels generate is sent back to the grid via a process called net metering. When that happens, you earn a credit that's applied to your bill. At night, when your panels aren't generating electricity and you're pulling from the grid, you'll use net metering credits to cover the cost of electricity you use.

How do you keep snow off solar panels?

Solar panels are installed at an angle, so snowfall will typically slide off of the surface. If snow sticks to the solar panel, you can use a RoofBrum to knock it off of the panel. Keep in mind that some snow can be beneficial for solar panels; melted snow can clean off dust and debris that has accumulated on them over time. Snow is unlikely to damage your solar panels, but it can affect your energy production. So long as part of the solar panel can absorb sunlight, though, you'll still be able to produce electricity to some degree.

How do I monitor my solar panels?

Solar panel systems usually come with an app you can use to monitor your system's production. These app's typically put ease of use at the forefront of their design, so you don't have to worry about overly complex or hard-to-use software bogging down your experience.

Do solar panels work in the rain?

Solar panels can work in the rain, and there are even some advantages the occasional rainfall. The water will clear dust and debris from the solar panels, making them operate more efficiently

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