Top 10 Misconceptions About Solar

Top 10 Misconceptions About Solar

Did you know that roughly half of all homeowners in the US have or are considering solar? Solar is becoming more popular by the day, and more homeowners are looking to invest in energy independence.

But with an industry as new as residential solar, it makes sense that homeowners might have concerns or misconceptions about solar. In the last three years, we’ve heard many of the common misconceptions homeowners have about solar.

Keep reading as we debunk some of the most common misconceptions about solar. 

#1: Solar only works with lots of bright sunshine

Solar does use the sunlight, so it makes sense to think that you need lots of it for solar to work well. However, the photovoltaic cells that make up solar panels absorb the light much more efficiently than you might expect. 

So while bright, direct light means the most efficient energy production, solar panels can still produce energy with less intense sunlight as well. 

Plus, solar actually is the most efficient at 77 degrees! Meaning that every degree past the 77 mark, the efficiency will decrease by half of a percent. So there’s an added bonus to solar in less hot and sunny locations: your panels will actually have more days where they’ll be able to function at peak efficiency.

#2: Solar is expensive and unaffordable for the average person

A lot of homeowners are under the impression that solar is simply too expensive and unaffordable. But what most people aren’t aware of is that you can go solar without having to invest your whole savings at once, and that there are incentives to help you save! 

For instance, the Solar Investment Tax Credit helps homeowners save 26% of their solar installation costs. Depending on your state, there are often additional incentives that you may be entitled to. 

But what about being able to go solar without investing tens of thousands of dollars up front? Take Purelight Power’s $0 out of pocket program as an example. With this program, you get a custom designed system that wipes out your power bill. In its place is a lower, locked in monthly payment that goes towards owning your solar. 

You get to go solar, with a system you own (so you can claim tax credits and incentives), and don’t have any added bills.

#3: Solar panels cause damage to roofs

This is a major concern among homeowners who are looking to go solar, especially about a roof leaking. The only time that would be a concern is if your solar system isn’t properly and professionally installed. 

When it’s installed properly, solar actually acts as a shield for your roof

The panels actually protect your roof from the harmful sun rays that could actually sun bleach your roof and dry it out. Not only that, but solar protects the roof from weather like snow, ice, and hail.

Next to an aerial photo of a roof with solar in front of a background of an Oregon valley and bright sunshine, we see a black background with the words "Save with Solar, Own Your Power" above a bright blue button with the words "Learn More.

#4: Solar energy systems require a lot maintenance and attention

Solar is actually very low maintenance.

Once the system is installed, there’s effectively no consistent upkeep. If wind, snow, or a wildfire does deposit some debris on your panels, it’s as easy as spraying them with a garden hose and spray nozzle.

#5: You have to have a battery system to store the extra energy solar generates

A very common solar misconception is that the only way to store the excess energy your panels produce is with an off-grid setup and battery bank.

However, with a system that is on-grid there is an easy and straightforward way homeowners can store excess energy that isn’t a battery system. It’s called net metering (NEM), which is a process that allows homeowners to send their excess energy generation back onto the grid and receive a credit for it. 

During sunny days when your system produces an excess of energy, that excess power is routed back through the grid. In most states, net metering is protected by a statute or law, and homeowners receive compensation for sending energy back into their community.

Those credits build up on your utility account, and during those wintery, stormy and cloudy days, those credits function as an on-grid battery bank. 

#6: Solar only lasts a few years

Nope! Solar panels on the market today are actually designed to last about 25 years. 

#7: The size of a solar energy system depends just on house size

When homeowners are looking into going solar, they’re often most concerned with the price tag. But what are all the factors that go into that overall cost of the system? 

Some people think the main factor for the price of a solar energy system is the size of your home. But actually, the system size is based on your annual usage of kilowatts/hours, as well as the slope and direction of your home’s roof.

General Solar Panel CTA

#8: Homes with solar are harder to sell

With the world heading towards a more eco-friendly and renewable energy grid, a lot of homeowners are going solar. At this point, it’s not uncommon to come across a house with solar. 

Contrary to popular belief, solar can actually increase the value of your home’s value up to 4.1% more than a home without solar.

#9: Solar leeches toxic materials

Sometimes people are concerned that solar releases toxic materials into the air, water, or soil that can cause cancer. 

But unlike coal or natural gas, solar actually doesn’t release any harmful chemicals, gasses, or other substances when in use.

The issue with solar is that if they’re improperly disposed of, as they degrade they can break apart into certain components that, like a common battery for a flashlight, shouldn’t be in a landfill. Which brings us to our last and final misconception about solar…

#10: Solar panels can’t be recycled

Solar panels can definitely be recycled

Photovoltaic panels are made up of 95% silicon, which is made from quartz, and used in everything from paint to computers. The silicon portion of a panel is installed in a frame that uses glass, plastic and metal.

Through a mixture of mechanical and chemical recycling, solar panels can be reduced to their components, which can be recycled, reused, and repurposed.

Misconceptions about Solar Debunked!?

Now that you are a virtual expert on residential solar, it’s time to consider whether you want to keep renting your power from greedy and polluting power companies, or if you’re ready to go solar.

With Purelight Power’s $0 down program, you can go solar simply and affordably.

See if your roof qualifies for solar with $0 down.

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